Murray Food Products, International food brokers of specialty crops and food commodities established in 1993 by Juan F. Murray, actual director, with the aim to provide value added service and fair business to our customers.

Experienced and qualified team open minded to new ways of business.

We use our creativity and markets knowledge to:
Source and develop new suppliers and origins.
Develop new markets for our customers.

We achieve these goals by building a network of co-brokers around the world who share our understanding of the trading of food products.

We are creative and open minded in developing business and we closely follow up each contract.

Relationship with the customer is a source of positive commercial synergy for us.

Information is a must in our business. Our regular contact with various origins of the different products allow our customers to be updated and take better decisions.

We are on the move at MFP! Our frequent trips allow us to:
Learn the comparative advantages and the problems of our suppliers.
Have a better understanding of the markets and changing consumer trends.


How we think the food industry

The produce and food and beverage industries feed and nourish our world and those we care most about. You and us feel on the side of who feed the world, exciting and creative activity.

The world needs to produce 27% more food by the year 2025 in order to avoid famines and scarcities, and we must produce this in a socially and environmentally responsible way so as to leave a better world for future generations.

Every other industry and organization faces similar challenges: How to produce more consuming less, how to respond faster to market needs and trends, how to be more efficient and at the same time sustain a dynamic and exciting environment to attract and retain the best talent.

To create a better world, our common house, we need to free the innate, God given, potentiality that we all have, to feel free to do our best. To make every minute of every day a worthwhile, meaningful experience.

This is our challenge and this is why we want to help you achieve, succeed and prosper. For nothing is more vital to sustainability than to be competitive and profitable in a socially responsible way.


J. F. Segui 4430 5th floor. Suite34.

(C1425ADB) Buenos Aires. Argentina.

E-mail. trading@murrfood.com

Voice Phone. (54 11) 4773-9142

Fax. (54 11) 4777-1642


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